Bad News: Being involved in an accident.
Worse News: Being involved in an accident and getting hurt.
Worst News: Being involved in an accident, getting hurt and then failing to recover anything because the other driver and/or you have little or no insurance.
Sadly, a large number of motorists in the State of Arizona drive on the streets and highways with little or minimal insurance coverage. Arizona law only requires a person to carry auto insurance that has liability limits of $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident. In a situation involving injury, that is not much.
Dealing with insurance issues is a major pain. And most people don’t care to take the time to understand the coverage that they pay for every year through insurance premiums. Completely understandable. However, unfortunately, insurance is a “necessary evil.” And, if you take some brief time to make sure you have the best coverage you can afford, you will sleep better at night knowing that you and your family are protected if something bad happens on the road.
Here’s what you need to do (ASAP):
- Pull out a copy of your auto insurance Declarations Page so you can review your coverage. (If you do not have it handy, you can get a copy from your agent or the insurance company website.)
- Make sure that you have satisfactory coverage. I would suggest that law enforcement officers carry $100,000/$300,000 in coverage AT A MINIMUM.
- Make sure that you have Uninsured Motorist coverage AND Underinsured Motorist Coverage. And those coverages should match the liability coverage dollar for dollar.
If you are concerned that your coverage is too low, contact your agent or consult the insurance company website to see how much higher levels of coverage will cost annually. YOU WILL BE SHOCKED AT HOW LITTLE YOUR PREMIUM WILL INCREASE FOR BETTER COVERAGE.
Good News: Figuring out your insurance coverage is not that hard.
Better News: Increasing your coverages is easy and does not cost that much money.
Best News: If you feel like you need help making sure your coverage is as good as it can be, the attorneys at Napier Baillie Wilson Bacon & Tallone, P.C. will assist you with a free consultation. Just call 602-248-9107 to schedule an appointment.
Be safe. And be smart.